And yes, I'm a grown up. But I always want to have something to look forward to. I want to be somebody who has done some pretty cool stuff in their life. Paved their way without fear, tried new things, broken out of the mold, and had a ton of fun along the way.
When I think of people who are true pioneers, Vivienne Westwood is it. With Malcolm McClaren, she was a pioneer of punk fashion.
She even has "Dame" tagged in front of her name. No need to be a Ms. or Miss, or Mrs., or whatever. But Dame, now that's pretty darn cool.
Now she just makes the coolest, most fun fashions.

And as for Malcolm McClaren, I love this quote about his punk rock days on this interview . "You had to believe in had to be prepared to go through an idea without an fear. Failure you learned (as I did in art school) to be a wonderful thing."
After he managed the Sex Pistols, Bow Wow Wow, and the New York Dolls, has created some pretty cool music himself.
When I grow up, I want to be like Vivienne Westwood. And as for Malcolm McClaren, I'll keep listening to your groovy tunes!
XO, M.E.
images from BBC and
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