My collage book is my place to make sense of all of my ideas. I teach at FIDM and try to convince my students to start a place to house their ideas, thoughts. Since I'm a cut & paste kind of a girl, I like the zen of ripping out of magazines, cutting up the images, and placing them in the book to make sense. I have 10 sketchbooks filled. Some are falling apart. I look at ones that I did 10 years ago and my life seems to mimic what I was hoping for. Rooms take on the design sense that I found, cars look similar, and the store that I designed here in Venice, CA came to life through hours of going through old collage books. Even the logo was an evolution of my design sensibility. Here are a couple of images. Note that the images in the book I didn't take, but they have served as a huge source of inspiration. All it takes is a sketchbook, glue stick, scissors, and some free time. XO, M.E.
collage books are great! =)
my collage book: http://michaeljakubowski.blogspot.com/